Piero V.


Recently, I started experimenting with stereo vision.

It is a technique to produce depth maps using images captured by close positions. Then, with these maps, it is possible to create 3D representations.

The core of this workflow is the matching algorithm, which takes pairs of post-processed images and creates a “disparity” map. The disparity is the distance between a point in the two images. Depth and disparity are inverses, so it is easy to switch from one to the other.

OpenCV contains some stereo matching algorithms, but they produced a lot of noise. So I looked for another library, and I found libelas.

It is a GPLv3 C++/MATLAB library with many parameters to tune, but I could not find a Python version. My options were to switch to C++ or to port it by myself. I chose the latter, hoping that also others can benefit from it 🙂️.

Long story short, I published my first package on PyPI: PyElas.

How to use it

You can install it using pip. Then you just have to do this: … [Leggi il resto]